Living a Christian Life in Today’s World

There are many questions Christians have today in living a Christian lifestyle.  It is important for us to understand that the bible is just as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago.  It isn’t uncommon as Christians to have our values and beliefs collide with today’s world.  We have many questions that affect each of us differently on a day to day basis.  Below are a handful of questions that we may seek either for ourselves or those around us:

Is gambling always sinful?

Is it sinful to drink alcohol?

Is it sinful to use birth control?

Is ther any spiritual basis against cremation?

Are dying willingly and commiting suicide the same thing?

How do I cope after losing my spouse?

Is divorce a forgivable sin according to the bible?

Is marrying an unbeliever wrong? Or is it just foolish?

Why is marriage a better option than living together?

What is they synod stance on asexuality (someone with no sexual attraction)?

How you know if God approves of a romantic relationship?

In a society that stresses equality between men and women, why do most confessional Lutherans and other conservative churches choose to limit leadership and authority roles in congregation to men?

Is abortion a sin?

Can homosexuals go to heaven and are practicing Christians supposed to love them?

Gun ownership.  to what extent might a believer in Christ defend himself against the physical threats to himself or his loved ones in this world today?

Faced with Matthew 25:31-46, why are conservative Christians (WELS) so opposed to social welfare programs?

Is speeding a sin?

What should be our Christian response to the plans to bring Syrian refugees into the US?

Is it biblically incorrect to work for a union such as a teamsters or labor unions?

We understand that we cannot provide an exhaustive list of questions and answers on this website. Our synod has been dealing with these types of questions for decades and have have complied and they continue to compile a list of answers to these types of questions that affect each and every one of us in unique ways.   We encourage you to click on the link below to our Synod and if you scroll down, on the right hand side of their page you will see a “Search Archives”.  Here you can search for those specific questions you face and receive biblically based answers from pastors and theologians in our Synod.